Support artists not algorithms.

Traditional and digital artists require staunch support to persuade corporations and businesses from prioritizing profit over artistic integrity by embracing A.I./ generative artificial intelligence programs to create their content, and sensitize them on the destabilizing effect that this shift may cause in society.

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The Era of Individual Col-Erase Pencils Comes to a Close

I have a problem. We have a problem... Last year, Prismacolor announced that the beloved Col-Erase individual pencils will be making a dramatic exit from store shelves.

Since late last year, these pencils are only sold in sets of 12 and 24, offering a variety of colors. For decades, Col-Erase pencils have been the secret weapon of artists, sketching enthusiasts, and animators worldwide. With their magical erasability and a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, these pencils have been like trusted sidekicks on artistic adventures, helping us correct mistakes and breathe life into our sketches. Personally, my favorite colors for sketching were brown, Tuscan red, and blue.

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Frodo Paper Doll

As a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth, I have always been drawn to the characters and their stories. One character who holds a special place in my heart is Frodo Baggins, the hobbit who embarked on an epic quest to destroy the One Ring. That's why I decided to bring him to life with a painted paper doll project. In this blog post, I will take you through the process of creating a painted paper doll of Frodo and share the joy that came with it.

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I tried 1264 Fabriano Bristol and....

Whenever I travel somewhere, be it a day trip or a holiday, when I see an art supply store I just have to enter and buy something. Part it’s the feeling of excitement that I experience every time that I enter an art supply store, part is the desire to support brick-and-mortar businesses and part is to have a little adventure and discover something new. I am not constantly following what brands and companies are putting out so a visit to a store is a perfect way to keep myself updated about all things new (I still grieve the closing of my favorite art supplies store, Da Vinci in Chelsea, Manhattan. Oh, that store was so beautiful and had an amazing assortment of art materials. Unfortunately it did not survive the pandemic).

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Stretching Watercolor Paper with Gummed Tape!

I have struggled for so long with how to stretch watercolor paper that I almost gave up!

Determined to figure it out, once I did there was no going back for me. Now I stretch watercolor paper of all sizes and types.

The beauty of a perfectly tight surface to paint on has no comparisons. If, for your watercolor paintings you use a lot of washes and re-wet your paper constantly, stretching it with gummed tape is the way to go. Let me show you how I do it.

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Botanical Art!

Hello everyone,

This is just a quick entry to mention this marvelous school in Transylvania, which I have discovered by chance, surfing the web.

Pod is a private school established in 2018, which offers classes in botanical illustration, in which seems to be a magnificent location.

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Ettie and the Troll- (part 1)

On a hot and humid July day, as I was sipping an icy mint and vanilla infused water, an idea for a new illustration came to mind. I thought that it could have been interesting to share my the creative process.

From time to time I do change the type of tools that I use, or the way I approach a new illustration, but the process that I’m describing here it’s the one that I’ve been using the most recently.

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