Support Artists Not Algorithms

Traditional and digital artists require staunch support to persuade corporations and businesses from prioritizing profit over artistic integrity by embracing A.I./ generative artificial intelligence programs to create their content, and sensitize them on the destabilizing effect that this shift may cause in society.

As consumers, we have the power to uphold corporations and companies committed to employing traditional and digital artists for their creative endeavors. 

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The Era of Individual Col-Erase Pencils Comes to an End.

I have a problem. WE have a problem….Last year Prismacolor  announced that the beloved col-erase individual pencils will be making a dramatic exit from store shelves. 

Since late last year these pencils are only sold in set of 12 and 24, with a variety of colors.

For decades, Col-Erase pencils have been the secret weapon of artists, sketching enthusiasts and animators worldwide. With their magical erasability and a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, these pencils have been like the trusted sidekick on an artistic adventure, helping us correct our mistakes and breathe life into our sketches. 

My favorite colors for sketching were brown, venetian red and blue. Continue reading

•Frodo Baggins Paper Doll

As a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth, I have always been drawn to the characters and their stories.

One character who holds a special place in my heart is Frodo Baggins, the hobbit who embarked on an epic quest to destroy the One Ring.

That's why I decided to bring him to life with a painted paper doll project. In this blog post, I will take you through the process of creating a painted paper doll of Frodo and share the joy that came with it. Continue reading.

This paper doll is on sale in my Etsy store.

• Art Time-Lapse of the Ouroboros Painting

I have filmed the process of painting The Ouroboros, which is one of my favorite painting of the past few months. I am fascinated by the mystical meaning of this symbol, that have been used for centuries by different cultures, from the Egyptians to the Vikings.

I use gouache paint like I use watercolors and I like to build up the painting by adding thin layers of paint , finishing by using transparent layers to soften the edges and maintain some of the luminosity from the paper. Check out the video by clicking on the image on the right!

•Etchr Classes

Check out my gouache classes on ETCHR Studio.

I demonstrate my use of gouache, building up my paintings by adding thin layers of gouache paint and bringing out the opaqueness of the medium little by little. Other topics that I cover in my classes are related to washes and glazing with gouache (Yes! You can glaze with gouache just like you would with watercolors!).

Check my classes HERE.
